Câtă tristețe, câtă durere poate să ducă un om…
Another minor victim of the Russian invasion was buried in Lviv yesterday. Tajik boy Amir was born forty days ago in Kharkiv. With the beginning of the Russian bombing, his parents, along with their other children, were in the basement for several days. The child developed pneumonia, as a result of which he died when the whole family was evacuated from Kharkiv. The funeral ceremony was conducted by the Imam of Lviv Sheikh Murat Suleymanov.
Omul ăsta sigur se va gândi la convenția de la Geneva când va pune mâna pe un rus..
da, va folosi o sticla moale
Bai, îmi vine să urlu când văd așa ceva. Nu știu cum omul ăla va putea trece vreodată peste aceasta tragedie.
Am văzut doar pozele, nu am puterea necesara să citească si ce ai scris.
nu va putea. ramane in suflet oriunde ai merge