Mai tineti minte cand m-am certat cu Google Adsense pentru ca au scos refferalii? Le-am trimis eu un mail care e atasat si in screenshot, in care le explicam intensele mee consideratii la adresa familiei, neamlui lor, si in general cam la tot ce inseamna google.
Heh, oamenii s-au speriat cand au vazut ca l-au enervat pe Arhi, asa ca astazi, la prima ora, am primit urmatorul mail:

Hello AdSense publisher,

We are writing to give you an important follow-up to the changes we announced earlier this month to the referrals to AdSense program. Since announcing the changes, we’ve received a number of responses about the program being dependent on the location of the referring publisher rather than the referred user. After carefully considering this feedback, we have decided to modify our planned changes.

Specifically, you will have the option to add a referral unit for AdSense within your account when you target any referral unit to Japan and/or any countries in North America and Latin America. To ensure payment for valid conversions, we recommend that you check the targeting settings on your current AdSense referral units.

We’d also like to let you know about upcoming changes to the referrals programs for Google Pack and Firefox:

Google Pack: Currently, you can earn up to $2 when a user downloads and runs Google Pack for the first time after being referred through your link or button. Starting the third week of February, each successful Pack referral will earn up to $1. This change will apply to all referrals for Google Pack and is independent of user location or publisher location.

Firefox: We will also be reducing payments for Firefox referrals from China during the third week of February. This specific referral payment change will only affect installations from users in China. As with referrals to AdSense, this is independent of your location as a publisher.

We understand that these changes may decrease revenue for some of you currently participating in these referrals programs. While it is our goal to help publishers earn as much as possible with the AdSense program, like any other referrals advertiser, we are constantly evaluating our campaigns to make them effective and sustainable.

Again, thank you for your feedback and support of the referrals program.


The Google AdSense Team

Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

Deci, pana la urma, am voie cu refferali, numai sa fie targetati.
Ca raspuns la mail, tot fuck off le-am trimis:)

Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.

Pe scurt

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  1. Chestia asta au pus-o si pe blog de cateva zile

  2. Oricum, vad ca nu mai folosesti serviciile Adsense.

  3. simple, nu citesc blogul adsense
    kosmin, nu mai folosesc adsense de jumatate de an, pe blog

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