Pe 26, articolele care lăudau măreața victorie a sovietelor naziste, erau deja scrise. Și chiar publicate, din greșeală. Au șters rapid, dar au rămas în memoria internet archive. Și e dureros să vezi, de fapt, care sunt planurile nazistului pitic, cu rusia mare, panslavism, zona de influență și altele.

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Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.

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  1. #1

    What’s the difference between a ruble and a dollar?
    A dollar.

  2. #2

    si traducerea:
    “A new world is being born before our eyes. Russia’s military operation in Ukraine has ushered in a new era – and in three dimensions at once. And of course, in the fourth, internal Russian. Here begins a new period both in ideology and in the very model of our socio-economic system – but this is worth talking about separately a little later.
    Russia is restoring its unity – the tragedy of 1991, this terrible catastrophe in our history, its unnatural dislocation, has been overcome. Yes, at a great cost, yes, through the tragic events of a virtual civil war, because now brothers, separated by belonging to the Russian and Ukrainian armies, are still shooting at each other, but there will be no more Ukraine as anti-Russia. Russia is restoring its historical fullness, gathering the Russian world, the Russian people together – in its entirety of Great Russians, Belarusians and Little Russians. If we had abandoned this, if we had allowed the temporary division to take hold for centuries, then we would not only betray the memory of our ancestors, but would also be cursed by our descendants for allowing the disintegration of the Russian land.
    Vladimir Putin has assumed, without a drop of exaggeration, a historic responsibility by deciding not to leave the solution of the Ukrainian question to future generations. After all, the need to solve it would always remain the main problem for Russia – for two key reasons. And the issue of national security, that is, the creation of anti-Russia from Ukraine and an outpost for the West to put pressure on us, is only the second most important among them.
    And here begins the second dimension of the coming new era – it concerns Russia’s relations with the West. Not even Russia, but the Russian world, that is, three states, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, acting in geopolitical terms as a single whole. These relations have entered a new stage – the West sees the return of Russia to its historical borders in Europe. And he is loudly indignant at this, although in the depths of his soul he must admit to himself that it could not be otherwise.
    Did someone in the old European capitals, in Paris and Berlin , seriously believe that Moscow would give up Kiev? That the Russians will forever be a divided people? And at the same time when Europe is uniting, when the German and French elites are trying to seize control of European integration from the Anglo-Saxons and assemble a united Europe? Forgetting that the unification of Europe became possible only thanks to the unification of Germany, which happened according to the good Russian (albeit not very smart) will. To swipe after that also on Russian lands is not even the height of ingratitude, but of geopolitical stupidity. The West as a whole, and even more so Europe in particular, did not have the strength to keep Ukraine in its sphere of influence, and even more so to take Ukraine for itself. In order not to understand this, one had to be just geopolitical fools.
    More precisely, there was only one option: to bet on the further collapse of Russia, that is, the Russian Federation. But the fact that it did not work should have been clear twenty years ago. And already fifteen years ago, after Putin’s Munich speech, even the deaf could hear – Russia is returning.”

  3. Absolut terifiant. Citisem parti din el pe Twitter ieri la un professor American de origine rusa dar doar parti.

  4. #4

    Sîrbii n-or fi luat și ei poziția Hamangia? Că ideea cu noua eră și panslavismul ar trebui să le tragă alarma…

  5. #5

    de pus in rama textul ala pentru cand cineva are dubii legate de rusia. citesti si te trezesti la realitate

  6. #6

    Se stie ca soarele rasare mai repede la rasarit, au dorit sa vina primii cu laude la adresa liderului suprem in editia de dimineata din Siberia.

  7. Ce scrie acolo, exact asta intuiam si eu a fi menirea asumata de putin pentru a-si asigura loc de frunte in cartea de istorie si scopul pentru care atacul asupra ucrainei era absolut inevitabil.
    De asta am fost absolut surprins de surprinderea celor care nu credeau atacul posibil sau nu credeau ca va viza intreaga ucraina ci doar donetk si lungansk oblasti. Mie chiar mi se parea ridicol ca au asteptat atat sa-l declanseze.

    Ma rog, ce conteaza mai mult pentru noi si restul europei este ca oricine va deveni tzar la kremlin dupa putin, acum, la anul sau peste 20 ani, va urca pe tron cu acelasi gand: unirea tuturor natiunilor rusofone. Or asta este echivalent cu un ticking bomb forever in coasta europei.

    Singura cale (ratata de occident in 1991) este ‘virusarea’ dinafara a sistemului si conectarea lui la deciziile occidentului, adica dezamorsarea sistemica a rusiei ca putere militara si politica destabilizatoare.

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