
Dear Stuart,
We are a group of romanian entrepreneurs, based in Bucharest, the land of mitics. We cand provide guns for everyone who asks and of course, no question asked. We understand that you were tricked by fake romanian entreprenoers, who pretended to be gun dealers and you lost 2000 euros from your hard worked money.

Let us assure you, mr. Stuart, about our highest quality service and that we have no intention to take you into spike, as an old romanian saying says. We are indeed who we say we are and we can prove that. We do not suck your blood or something, we just want to have an honest and decent living. We are The Smalls Brigade

Please inform us asap if your intention are solid.
Allah Akbar! (Cu dumnezeu înainte)


Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.

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42 comentarii Adaugă comentariu

  1. #1

    SRI la usa in 3…2…

  2. #4

    “We do not suck your blood or something”, but, I would add, for a decent sum, we can easily find somebody to suck something else for you.
    And do not believe him, don’t look at the way he is ending hist letter, everybody knows he is a Goddamn atheist…
    You should only trust real Romanians, not Tatars like this one!

  3. #11

    Cica porcusorii de Guniea nu sunt de fapt porci si nici nu sunt din Guinea.

  4. #12

    Acest articol publicat de un reprezentat al minoritatii tatare,ce a demonstrat in repetate randuri un filoislamism puternic……
    Daca vezi o masina cu girofar in spate,sa stii ca nu-i de la depasirea vitezei.

    A,si astept cu nerabdare un punct de vedere oficial al cunoscutului om de pres,badea chiar el.

    • #13

      Daca vezi o masina cu girofar in spate, normal si crestineste ar fi sa-l blitzezi pe respectivul, sa ajungi langa el si sa-i spui ca ii cade girofarul, abia-abia se mai tine intr-un fir.

  5. vreau să mă alătur acestei organizaţii! drept dovadă mă voi filma diseară depunând jurământul prin consumarea de smalls !

    acu’ pe bune, diseară chiar mă văd cu nişte amici. ne stabilim întâlnirile prin feisbuci, unde grupul nostru de discuţie se numeşte “Smalls and beer” :)))

  6. #15

    Brand new ak 47, used just a couple of rounds by an old granny back in germany, hunting crows in her backyard. Full service history provided. I don t need your insurance number. Find me in north, by the wall. Winter is coming over uk my friends, buy it.

  7. La inglezu asta br din brexit se refera la brain. De fapt si la multi altii…

  8. It’s post time, so no smalls. Only salad and melon for you, infidels. The gun he’s holding is no hunting gun, so he’s got the real shit. He means business, so bring on your money and camera. Will not promise you’ll leave with camera, but you can try. For commendation, please get in touch with Mirciulica aka Spagatistul de la A3. He will confirm that he is for real.

  9. #25

    Dacă se vedeau cracii, în stânga și dreapta, de la dresul ăla, era și mai credibil.

    • #26

      da, pentru ca credibilitatea era si scopul. tks, refac acum

  10. #27

    Besides the Smalls Brigade, there are lots of smaller groups that are also very serious and always provide the best service for their customers’ satisfaction. We can only express our regrets that our clients, Colonel Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein, are no longer available to confirm that you can rely on us. Just let us know what your needs are and we will provide an estimate. Extra fees will be added if the order contains AA guns, APC’s or tanks. You will receive a gold-plated AK-47 with your first order, as a bonus from us. Please use the reply form to get in touch with us.

  11. #28

    “Stuart Ramsay and his team delivered a robust report on gun dealing in Romania and Sky News fully stands by the story.” — Lucy Ellison, PR Manager Sky News

  12. #33

    Pfiu … ce bine ca nu au gasit instalatiile de imbogatire a uraniului de la Vaslui !

  13. #34

    ce engleza de baltoaca!! :)))))

  14. #40

    jihadi arhi :)))))))

    la ce mutra fericita faci prin ciorapii aia probabil ca d’abia fusesera dati jos

  15. #42

    Ce mui isi ia bautorul ala de ceai pe twitter :)))


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