Under the influence of the patent system and big industry lobbyists, the European Union is on the verge of making a huge mistake: to pass a law that would legalize software patents.

If that happens, you will pay dearly. Europe’s software industry will fall victim to unscrupulous extortioners. A cartel of large corporations will crush smaller competitors. Consequently, we will all pay more money for less good and less secure software. You personally, your household, your company, your government, all of us.

You’ll know when you get the bill. When someone breaks into your computer, reads your E-mails, and steals the password of your bank account. When your computer crashes every day. When spam doesn’t stop. When prices go up and companies shut down. When people lose their jobs.

Click here for a quick explanation of why software patents have the aforementioned effects

“Chances are that patents on software, common practice in the US and on the brink of being legalised in Europe, in fact stifle innovation. Europe could still alter course.”
Deutsche Bank Research

Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.

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  1. Interesant mod de abordarea problemei. Tocmai citisem un articol care argumenta pe cat sunt de bune si folositoare.

    Cu sau fara patente acum Micromoale tot nu ne da codul (ca de copiat tot nu o sa il copie nimeni ca doar nu vrea blue screenuri sau sa aiba proces cu astia) si cu siguranta sunt si coduri destul de maliciose inauntru. Am aflat ca in Vista firewallul incorporat e beton… nu intra nimic… dar iese cam orice daca nu il despici in 1000 de bucati sa vezi ce si cum. Oare de ce? 😀

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