hello Romanian citizens we are anonymous
and we want to tell you that mr.
Sebastian gets a used our name without
permission because he wants to get rid
of the Romanian justice and take control
of all romanian institutions he uses his
TV news channel romania TV to lie to the
Romanian people with the intent to
misinform them he also uses TV hosts to
help him spread the lies and the only
reason he is able to do so is because
the Romanian regulation institutions are
not involving in stopping this
masquerade the Romanian people must know
about the lies that the communist system
are spreading using TV channels that are
controlled by political parties romania
TV is not the only channel that is
misinforming the Romanian people
the system has also created a lot of
fake websites that are used to denigrate
political opponents and are spreading
hateful speech against real Romanian
people that are young Patriots and have
one foreign name the system is afraid
that real Patriots will replace their
corrupted members from the Parliament
and government remember that you the
Romanian people have the real power
don’t let them use you take back the
control of your lives
we are anonymous and we are supporting
democracy in Romania we stand by you

Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.

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24 comentarii Adaugă comentariu

  1. #1

    Anonymous sunt la fel ca și Bin Laden sau teroriștii de la revoluție dacă tot e vremea.

  2. #2

    Freige, tu esti tata?

  3. #3

    Vezi ca a aparut si subtitrarea in romana.

  4. Daca pana acum nu aveam nici un dubiu ca Ghita e “cel rau” acum incep sa ma indoiesc. Pai fata de asa ceva ce a descoperit Olivia Steer e cercetare stiintifica.

    • #7

      iti dai seama ca de fapt e un raspuns la mizeria publicata de televiziunea lui Ghita, cu asa zisa amenintare a anonymous, nu?

    • Anonymus exista, sunt niste baieti care stau cu ochii pe cei rai si cand lumea nu mai intelege ce si cum, jap pun reflectorul pe raufacator. Tiii si sunt la asa nivel ca stiu si in Romanica care e treaba, ce face Ghita toate smecheriile.

    • #9

      tu nu stii despre ce vorbesc eu, este?

  5. #10

    Si pana la urma stie cineva unde este Ghita?

  6. #13

    m-am imbatat. ascii-ul hackeristic nu cuprinde punctuatie?

  7. Clipul e de pe canalul YouTube „Libertate Online”, care are un singur clip. Pe ăsta.

  8. #15

    Io pe anonimușii aștia nu-i vad pe nicaieri in afara de filmuletele astea blurate si lăbărite…
    In afara de (presupusa) sursa inedita , mesajul asta nu ma impresioneaza cu nimic… plictiseala maxima….
    Vreau sa vad si eu informatii adevarate, socante, evidențe, măgării devoalate, chestii serioase, nu banalitati ce pot fi debitate de orice păcalici de la o sala de net de cartier…

  9. #16

    Ghita, hai diseara la portita! 🙂
    Vechi, dar bun: youtu.be/aerj4qXPHJc

  10. Cetin Ametcea, we will not be defied by you! For this post you will be hacked and your blog will be terminated!
    Please give us the email of the blog and the password!

    We are Anonymous.
    We are Legion.
    We do not forgive.
    We do not forget.
    Expect us.

  11. #19

    Ma, dar putintica romana nu știu ăștia?

    Cine naiba sa-i ia in serios dacă nici vorbi românește nu știu?

    • #20

      …nici romaneste nu stiu si bat pariu ca nici ortdocsi nu sunt!

    • #21

      Problema e ca nici la engleza nu se pricep cine stie ce… abia trec clasa…

  12. #22

    Astia-s aia care au promis acu’ vo’ 2 ani ca-i rup in 2 pe aia de la ISIS, nu?

  13. Oh Anonymous acest coș de pe nasul comunității de hacking.