O să pun aici conținutul articolului rusesc, că știu că nu o să vă uitați pe el, dacă vedeți că e în rusă.

The company “Yandex” has developed a way to determine the income of users of their services. The corporation has already registered the corresponding patent, which Izvestia has familiarized with. From the document it follows that earnings will be determined by profession . Finding out the user’s place of work is not difficult if you overhear the sounds around him and “peep” what applications he uses. The technology can be used at least to personalize advertising or launch a new service, experts say. However, they do not exclude that the intelligence services may be interested in the collected information.

Everything’s under control

The patent, registered by “Yandex”, has received the name “System and method for determining the income of a mobile device user” . The application from the corporation was received in April 2017, but the invention was registered only by Rospatent this year.

As follows from the description, the income is supposed to be determined by the user’s profession. This can be done by analyzing the GPS data, surrounding sounds and “peeping” what third-party applications for work are on the smartphone (web-based construction management services, delivery services, watering web services, and so on) . For example, the builder will issue a constant noise – in the patent are given as an example of work on the demolition, carpentry and welding. Also in the document are the professions of a taxi driver, courier, waiter and artist.

The described technology can not always accurately determine the profession of the user, believes Alexander Safonov, vice rector of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations. For example, the data from the sensors of the nurse and the head physician’s devices will be about the same. Then, even the precise definition of a profession does not give an idea of ​​income , Alexander Safonov believes.


– Let’s say that the “fork” of the economist’s salary in Moscow is from 40 thousand to 1 million rubles, and information about the qualifications of a specific specialist is difficult to obtain according to the smartphone. Again, even accurate knowledge of a monthly income does not say anything about opportunities: a person can either spend only on himself or support his wife, children, parents, the expert said.

The company may collect data about users using such applications as Yandex.Taxi, Google.Maps, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Mail, Uber, Yandex.Search, Yandex.Money, Gmail and others, indicated in the patent. As examples of client devices, there are desktop computers, laptops, netbooks, smart phones, tablets, and network equipment — routers, switches, and gateways.

At the same time , the corporation’s “Privacy Policy” states that it can not only independently use personal information, but also transmit it to advertisers and other partners. Also, if required by law, data may be requested by any national or international regulatory authorities, law enforcement authorities, central or local executive authorities, as well as the courts or other public services.

The press service of Yandex refused to answer Izvestia’s questions about whether the patented system is being used in practice and how the data obtained with it can be applied.

Pentru cei ce nu au chef să citească:

Yandex, proprietarul Yango, a patentat o soluție care poate spune ce salariu are utilizatorul serviciilor oferite de aplicațiile lor. Stați, ai zice că nu e mare brânză, bagi, la instalare, dreptul de a mirosi tot ce fac celelalte aplicații din telefon și ai o idee despre. Dar nu despre asta e vorba. Ci de cum o face. Aplicația de la Yango va asculta mediul înconjurător. Deci da? Microfonul activat tot timpul și înregistrarea spațiului ambiental. Și unde?

As examples of client devices, there are desktop computers, laptops, netbooks, smart phones, tablets, and network equipment — routers, switches, and gateways.

Mă gândeam la trusa standard a pișcotarului care se pregătește de o campanie pro rusia.

Mai era și farfuza aia de băcanu, care testa Yango și explica ce bine e cu rusia, dar sunt blocat și nu mai găsesc print screenul pe care mi-l trimisese un prieten.

Băi…oameni cu iq slăbuț, nu vorbim de cedarea datelor către o terță parte. Vorbim de faptul că Rusia este, în acest moment, un stat agresor, din toate punctele de vedere. Nu, Rusia nu e USA și nu e UE, Rusia are o agendă clară și, în acest moment, duce războaie reale la granițele româniei, rupe teritorii din alte state fără niciun fel de repercusiune și duce un război mediatic pe teritoriul țării noastre, prin multiple canale active, dorind ca românia să se întoarcă la statutul de teritoriu tampon controlat de ruși, între Rusia și Nato.

Iar voi, găini fără un pic de minte, vă lăcomiți la 3 invitații și-un pișcot, ce mare lucru, doar ai pozele pe facebook.

Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.