Știrile sunt direct de la ucraineni, nu sunt filtrate de nicio agenție de presă. Luați-le așa cum le vedeți, nu mi se par exaltate, ci realiste.

Operational information about the Russian invasion from the General Staff:

– from 00:00 on February 27, Russian Russian troops launched 5 air and 16 missile strikes.

– The Republic of Belarus has become another center of concentration of the occupying forces. 10 helicopters, as well as 2 An-124 aircraft of the aerospace forces, have been deployed to the Machulishchi airfield. To the Baranovichi airfield – four Su-34 fighter-bombers.

– Having regrouped the troops, the enemy conducts offensive operations in the direction of Kyiv. The commander of the defense of Kyiv is Colonel-General Alexander Syrsky, the commandant of the defense of the city is the Hero of Ukraine, Colonel Serhiy Sobko.

– The enemy continues to commit war crimes by shelling the peaceful Ukrainian cities of Kharkov and Balakliya.
There is a desperate defense of the city of Kherson.

– The grouping of the Black Sea Fleet of the RF Armed Forces was withdrawn from naval bases with the task of hitting the surface forces of the Ukrainian Navy.

– The enemy made attempts to land an amphibious assault in the area of ​​Chernomorsk. The enemy landing force has been destroyed. The units of the Pacific Fleet of the RF Armed Forces are also involved in the conduct of hostilities.

Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.

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6 comentarii Adaugă comentariu

  1. #1

    “A source tells me that many Russian tanks/heavy machines don’t simply run out of fuel — crews dump the fuel intentionally, as soon as they learn that their destination is Kyiv. After all they’ve been told that they were going as “peacekeepers” to “protect Russians” in Donbas.”

  2. #2


    reddit face bine foarte putine lucruri, in general, dar live feed-ul asta este fantastic, de 4 zile incoace, este cam cel mai bun flux de noutati in limba engleza despre tot ce se intampla in Ucraina. surse bune, directe, fara propaganda ruseasca sau mizerii. am uitat sa las link ul aici pana acum

  3. #3

    “Pederasta”, “cyka”, “blyat”, nu pare exact genul de entuziasm al populației eliberate de naziști la care se așteptau rușii. Nu-mi vine să cred cum și-au mușcat propria momeală propagandistică în privința reacției ucrainienilor.

  4. #4

    Unde a fost nenorocirea aia din video? Pare că a fost iadul pe pământ acolo.

  5. #5

    alea erau tancuri rusesti sau ucrainiene?

    • #6

      Se vad insemnele Z sau V pe carcase (insemnele trupelor care participa la invazie). Sunt rusesti, evident

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