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4 comentarii Adaugă comentariu

  1. #1

    Direct din indrumatorul lui stalin, futu-i in gura sa-i fut

  2. #3

    Tot comunisti au ramas..

  3. #4

    Citez “….To root out all opposition to Sovietization, NKVD agents targeted the schools. After leafing through the schoolbooks of children who had attended school when western Ukraine had still been a part of “bourgeois” Poland, they drew up lists of people to be arrested as a preventive measure. At the top of these lists vere the names of the most able pupils, whom they judged to be “potentially hostile to the Soviet system”

    “The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression” de G. Peter Albert, Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Andrzej Paczkowski și alții, apărută la editura Universității Harvard în 1999. La pagina 229.
    Deci așa. “The most able”. Katyn? Experimentul Pitești & universul concentraționar de la noi?

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