Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.
De apreciat ce a scris dupa incident. >>”Please let me assure you all, this is NOT a shark ‘attack’ this is me doing a silly thing and suffering a consequence,” Brunny said in a post. “The water is their domain… and we should appreciate and admire them from a far.” <<
Selectia naturala, boss, selectia naturala. Nimic deosebit, ne uitam, radem si mergem mai departe.
E doar un model obisnuita sa pozeze cu natura moarta pe langa ea. De unde sa stie ea ca rechinul mai si deschide gura?
De apreciat ce a scris dupa incident. >>”Please let me assure you all, this is NOT a shark ‘attack’ this is me doing a silly thing and suffering a consequence,” Brunny said in a post. “The water is their domain… and we should appreciate and admire them from a far.” <<
just! trebuie admirati de pe un far.
Hm, firea de ce nu face selfie cu rechinii?