Fake news disclaimer! Message from the head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration
In social networks, there were reports that the mayor of Kupyansk, together with the police, were negotiating with the occupiers. This information is not true.
The Kharkiv region police, leadership, special forces, territorial divisions, patrol police work 24/7, no fact of betrayal of the oath by police officers has been recorded. Ukrainian police are taking part in the liberation of the region from the Russian occupier.
Trust only official information!
Prin urmare, primarul din Kupiansk si-a făcut poză cu kalașul de gât. Bună dimineața.
Oara daca Allen Coliban (Brasov) ar fi facut asa ceva? Sau Fluture, Boc si alti primari, presedinti de CJ?
Tu esti serios?
N-ai sesizat sarcasmul, asa-i? Pai, ii vezi pe astia sa faca asa ceva? Ar fugi ca potarnichile.
se trimit ordine false de chemare la mobilizare
uite si de la noi, tentative de dezinformare si creare de derută
pe ideea cat mai mult zgomot sa nu mai auzim adevărul
oare cine are de câștigat cu asemenea dezinformări?