Assembly of Ukraine. The document unequivocally acknowledges the fact that Russia has committed aggression against Ukraine and calls on Russia to cease fire. UN member states strongly urge Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. Ukraine fought to the last for every vote in the UN and won. Strong support for this document in the UN shows that the anti-Putin coalition is growing.
☑️ Sanctions European partners continue to beat sanctions on the Russian economy
🇪🇺 The European Union disconnected the first seven Russian banks from the SWIFT system and banned EU citizens and companies from supplying euro banknotes. We are working to expand the list of Russian banks
🔺 22 representatives of the Belarusian security forces have come under international sanctions for helping Russia in crimes against Ukraine
🔺 Active work is being done against Russian propaganda mouthpieces. The EU immediately bans Russian propaganda TV channels RT / Russia Today and Sputnik
🔺 The Polish Foreign Ministry 🇵🇱 reported that Russian property was confiscated in Warsaw.
🔺 Hungary 🇭🇺 revoked the license of the Russian “Sberbank”. The process of its complete liquidation has already started
🔺 Spain 🇪🇸 supports a possible EU decision to close seaports to Russian ships.
🔺 The Republic of Korea 🇰🇷 plans to join sanctions against Russia
🔺 Ukraine is working with the UK 🇬🇧 and the US 🇺🇸 to close all loopholes for Russia to circumvent sanctions through third countries ☑️ Military aid
🔺 Spain 🇪🇸 announced the provision of defense and offensive weapons. Madrid allocates 40 million out of 500 million euros provided by the EU for Ukraine’s defense needs ☑️Isolation of the Russian Federation Russian business continues to lose money and ties with Western companies
🔺 Boeing has suspended maintenance and technical support of Russian airlines.
🔺 ExxonMobil oil company announces withdrawal from Sakhalin-1 oil and gas project due to situation in Ukraine
🔺 Italian 🇮🇹 energy company Eni is considering transferring its stake in the Blue Stream gas pipeline connecting Turkey and Russia, which operates Gazprom speaks
🔺 Restrictions imposed on Russia at sea have worked. Greece 🇬🇷 canceled its participation in the international tourist exhibition in Moscow
🔺 The International Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation suspended the membership of the Russian Bobsleigh Federation due to the invasion of Ukraine.
☑️ Deputinization of the world
🔺 Bulgarian Foreign Ministry 🇧🇬 announces expulsion of two Russian diplomats due to their espionage activities
🔺 Riga City Hall 🇱🇻 today terminated twinning relations with Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan, as well as with Belarusian Minsk
🔺 Russian conductor and conductor Gergiev orchestra
☑️ Humanitarian aid
🇧🇬Bulgaria has provided humanitarian aid to Ukraine: tents, sleeping bags, stationary generators, hospital equipment, medicines
🇰🇷 The Government of the Republic of Korea will provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.
Pe scurt

Uita-ti ce zice nazistul de Ilie Bolojan,ma rog consilierul lui dar acesta nu este demis deci isi asuma:
“ We are working to expand the list of Russian banks” – adica mai bagam cateva da’ nu scoatem de tot cat mai e gaz pe teava. O sa scoata rusia din SWIFT cam in acelasi timp cu retrocedarea tezaurului nostru….
@RobertD Arata aici pe papusica unde te-a atins Bolojan.