Dear Vasilika,

In April 2007, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
approved certain domain registries to increase their prices. Domain
are the private companies which manage the registration, technical
and control the allocation policies of the TLD’s for which they are

Domain registries VeriSign(.com, .net tld’s), Afilias(.info tld),
Neulevel (.biz tld) and Public Interest Registry(.org tld) applied
for and
received price increases and have announced they will be raising their
wholesale prices to all registrars including us.

In light of that decision, will be adjusting its pricing
Sunday, October 14, 2007 as follows:

.com domain renewals, transfers and new registrations: Old pricing
$8.88, new pricing $9.29 per year
.net domain renewals, transfers and new registrations: Old pricing
$8.88, new pricing $9.29 per year
.org domain renewals, transfers and new registrations: Old pricing
$8.88, new pricing $9.29 per year
.info domain renewals, transfers and new registrations: Old pricing
$8.88, new pricing $9.29 per year
.biz domain renewals, transfers and new registrations: Old pricing
$8.88, new pricing $9.29 per year

Historically, has always been averse to adjusting its
As these cost increases are being dictated and charged to us by the
we are obligated to comply.

Please rest assured that will continue to strive to offer
the most
responsive level of customer service 24×7, and maintain the high level
services which has earned us your business.

On behalf of everyone at, please accept our sincere
thanks and
appreciation for the opportunity to continue to serve you as a valued client.

Kindest Regards, Management and Support Staff

Eh, noroc ca exista cupoane de reducere.

Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.

Pe scurt

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4 comentarii Adaugă comentariu

  1. Oricat de scumpe ar fi de la registrarii in cauza, tot sunt mai ieftine decat 350 de mii cu cat revand romanii. Nu e chiar atat de rau .. Acum este adevarat ca eu nu cumpar cu zecile, ca atunci as simti diferenta de pret foarte puternic. Mai nou lucrez cu GoDaddy …

  2. Dojo, am gasit la namecheap oferte bune. Eu as prefera ca domeniile sa fie platibile numai pe un an. Astfel s-ar evita parcarea lor pe 10 ani, de catre cretini care le cumpara cu carduri furate. eu nu pot sa imi iau, ca e cumparat de un jegos elvetian, pana in 2015, si nici macar sta asa de 3 ani. plm
    alex, ce e asia retailmenot?

  3. #4 . In lire sterline 😛
    E …locatia virtuala unde sta tot ceea ce tine de
    Interesatii pot arunca o privire

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